Dr Graham Glenister
Graham originally attained a Diploma in Engineering, later changing direction into health sciences, where he completed a Certificate 4 in Allied Health. Following from that, he then completed a double degree in Podiatry with a Bachelor of Health Sciences and Masters of Podiatric Practice. During his Bachelor of Health Sciences and Masters of Podiatric Practice studies at La Trobe university Graham was awarded life membership into the Golden Key International Honour Society offered by invitation only to students recognized to be among the top 15% of University Students in a chosen field of study based solely on academic achievement.
Now as a Podiatrist, Graham combines sound academic knowledge along with biomechanical engineering principals towards caring for patients. He has extensive experience in both country and urban podiatry settings.
Graham enjoys his passion of fly fishing.
He is currently registered with the Podiatrist Registration Board of Australia (AHPRA).
Graham Glenister